No. 20.-Notes on BASUTOLAND. 1843-1908. By a Treaty signed by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope at

Cape Town on the 5th October, 1843, and by Moshesh, Ohief of the Basutos, at Thaba Bossi, on the 13th December, 1843, the tribe of the Basutos were admitted into the allegiance of Her Britannic Majesty.* The boundary of the territory was thus described :-

" Art. III.-The territory of the Chief Moshesh is bounded on the west, from the junction of the Caledon with the Garief River to the sources of those rivers, near the Bouta Bouta; on the south by the Garief River, from the junction aforesaid; and on the north by a line extending from about 25 to 30 miles north of the Caledon River, excepting near to its source, and at its jun0t ion with the Garief, where the lands of Bethuli and the territory of Sikonyella come close upon the northern bank."