No. 278.-ARRANGEMEN1' between Great Britain and GerJnany fixing the Bounda1'Y at Ja8sin anll in the bend 01 the [Tmba River," JanuaryApril, 1900.t

(I,) S1'r A. Hardin(Je to Malar-General von L1'eberl,

Sir, Dar-es-Salaarn, 28th January, 1900. I HAVE the honour to place on reoord, and to request you to be good

enough, should you consider it correct, to c·onfirm it, the result of our conversation of this morning on the subject of the outstanding boundary question still requiring to be settled at Jasin,

Our respe.ctive Governments having allowed us to dilpose of this question looally we agreed upon the following arrangement,

The provisional line running along the rising ground of Jasin as drawn by Herr Meyer and myself from the point at which the rising ground is, according to the latest records, intersected by a straight line from Ras Jimbo to Lake Jipe (known as Dr. Stuhlmann's Hill) to the landing-place at Jasin, to be maintained as permanent.