The shape was created to isolate the edge of the girl’s face and a bit of her chin as it curves into the neck. It works for the most part, but when the girl begins to laugh, the contour of her face changes drastically—so drastically, that no amount of Object mode transformations can be used to accurately relocate the shape. A way around this minor dilemma is to go into Sub-Object mode, with the spline still selected, go right back into Object mode. This will create a shape proportional bounding box much more suitable to correctly scaling the spline. After Effects keeps the reader splines in Sub-Object mode until the spline is double-clicked, which will then give the reader the ability to move the rotation point, rotate, and scale the object as a whole. If the spline is created and animated correctly, the individual points of that spline will keep their general position along the edge of the focus object.