After Effects text plug-ins give filmmaker added creative control and drive the message home. Documentaries and corporate video have an in-built need to deliver textual information such as names, statistics, and so on. This chapter focuses on plug-ins such as, Boris Continuum Complete Type On Text, idustrial revolution Decimal Counter, Yanobox Motype, and Noise Industries Futurismo Titles. Boris Continuum Complete 6.0 introduced 3D Objects, a set of 3D plug-ins for After Effects and other hosts. Noise Industries FxFactory is a free plug-in management system that “fourth party” developers use to create very fast plug-ins which use filmmaker's graphics card for hardware-accelerated previews and rendering. Lines and paths are used in a multitude of creative ways in motion graphics, from growing lines with arrowheads, lines on maps and globes, to animated glowing lines, which have become very popular as background elements for text or keyed elements, especially after the release of Trapcode 3D Stroke.