Know this: the video is the memory. Weddings are seminal, lifechanging events for people. Their whole life has been spent dreaming,

imagining, wondering what this day would be like. And now some

20-30 years later, the big day is finally here. All the plans, meetings,

tastings, and arguing over details are done, and this is the big

reward…and it goes in a whirlwind. In a few quick hours, all the

people the couple know and love most from all over the country-

maybe even all over the world-gather in their honor to celebrate. The

happy couple will be carefully groomed to look their very best. The

place will be decked out to their specifications, and perhaps tens of

thousands of dollars may be spent on a lavish half-day party. The

cruel twist to all this joy and expense is that the happy couple at the center of it all will

probably remember very little of it. (If you’re married, you already know this.) The day is just

too emotional, too full of event details, expectations, ceremonies, old friends, and new

relatives, not to mention a hundred whirlwind conversations, toasts, and well wishes that the

couple simply can’t process and retain most of it. And yet it’s “the most important event” in

their lives.