This chapter discusses Boris Calligraphy, which is made up of two elements: Title 3D and Title Crawl. It looks at some of the phenomenal text control in Calligraphy. Kerning adjusts the spacing between individual pairs or groups of letters, as opposed to tracking, which controls the whole block of words. The Reset Style button resets all of the parameters for the words in the text window. It does not, however, reset wrapping, tabs, justification, or margins. The Pivot section controls the point around which the text tumbles, spins, and rotates. If the Lock to Position box is checked, the controls have no effect. Title Crawl is accessed from inside the Boris submenu of the Generators pop-up menu. It shares many of the same controls as Title 3D. The text window that’s evoked when Title Crawl is called up functions identically in both Calligraphy title tools.