HEADS AND HATS Hats are associated with fashion and the wearer’s social attitudes and status. Hats are also worn as fashionable adornments, rather than just for warmth. How they are worn is a style of the time. There are three basic ways to wear hats: commonly fitted on the head, slanted at an angle, and high on top of the head. In Chapter 2, I discussed the proportions of the head and face in relation to the body. Now I will talk about adding hats in positions on the head. A hat has two basic parts: crown and brim. A common-fitted hat’s crown attaches to the head’s circumference; the tilted, angle-fitted hat attaches and conforms to the contour of the head; the hat sitting on top of the head attaches to the contour of the top of the head (the hat mostly sits on top of a hairdo). The following are suggestions for creating hats (see Figures 4-1 through 4-4):

} Build the shape of the hat-such as a crown, both crown and brim, turban, or other decorations or styles.