Before moving on to the practical Photoshop techniques, let’s first look at thePhotoshop interface. If you switch between using current versions of Photoshop,Illustrator and InDesign, the Adobe interface and keyboard command conventions will remain fairly consistent. For example, the zoom tool shortcut in all these programs is Command/Ctrl+Spacebar. Apart from a few necessary deviations, the transition between all Adobe graphics programs is fairly seamless. The Photoshop 7.0 interface illustrations shown in this book have all been captured using the new Apple Macintosh OS X interface. There should be few problems locating your favorite tools other than adjusting to the ‘apparent’ disappearance of the magnetic pen and airbrush tools and menu differences introduced in OS X. After that you will soon notice some of the new Photoshop 7.0 tool options have been extended in this version. The following pages give an account of the basic Photoshop working area and introduce you to the new tools, while the keyboard shortcuts are all summarized later on in Chapter Twelve. Use this chapter as a reference as you work through the remainder of the book.