Introduction One of the most skilled areas of digital retouching and manipulation is the ability to make accurate selections of pixels for repositioning, modifying or exporting to another image. Th is skill allows localized retouching and image enhancement. Photoshop provides several diff erent tools that allow the user to select the area to be changed. Called the ‘Selection’ Tools, using these features will fast become a regular part of your editing and retouching process. Photoshop marks the boundaries of a selected area using a fl ashing dotted line sometimes called ‘marching ants’. Obvious distortions of photographic originals are common in the media but so are images where the retouching and manipulations are subtle and not detectable. Nearly every image in the printed media is retouched to some extent. Selections are made for a number of reasons: t .BLJOHBOBEKVTUNFOUPSNPEJmDBUJPOUPBMPDBMJ[FEBSFB FHDPMPS DPOUSBTU FUD t %FmOJOHBTVCKFDUXJUIJOUIFPWFSBMMJNBHFUPNBTL NPWFPSSFQMJDBUF t %FmOJOHBOBSFBXIFSFBOJNBHFPSHSPVQPGQJYFMTXJMMCFJOTFSUFE AQBTUFJOUP

Th e ‘t Marquee Tools’ are used to draw regular-shaped selections such as rectangles or ellipses around an area within the image.