I n order to get the best performance out of Photoshop, you need to ensure that your computer system has been optimized for image editing work. When I first began writing the ‘Photoshop for Photographers’ series of books, it was always necessary to guide readers on how to buy the most suitable computer for Photoshop work and what hardware specifications to look for. These days I would suggest that almost any computer you can buy is capable of running Photoshop and can be upgraded later to run the program faster. As always, I try to avoid making distinctions between the superiority of the Macintosh or PC systems. If you are an experienced computer user, you know what works best for you and I see no reason to evangelize my preference for using a Mac. Throughout my computer career, it’s what I have grown up

with and it feels like home. The same arguments apply if you’re a Windows PC user. And apart from anything else, once you have bought a bunch of programs, you are kind of locked into using that particular system. If you switch, it means facing the prospect of buying most of your favorite software packages all over again.