In the middle 1930s, international patterns began to become much more closely linked with real or imagined similarities of ideology. The victory of the Popular Front in Spain was followed in July by a military rising, which soon came to be headed by General Francisco Franco. Thus began the Spanish Civil War, which attracted immense attention throughout the world, and continued until Franco's eventual victory. The Spanish Civil War began with a military insurrection in Spanish Morocco, and, in the early part of the fighting in Spain itself, Moorish troops who were of Moslem faith played a substantial part on Franco's side. The German cartoon concerns group of foreign volunteers in Spain: the International Brigade which was fighting on the side of the Spanish. The Soviet cartoon, Greedy dependant, concerns Fascist intervention in Spain. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shovel great numbers of men and weapons out of boxes labelled From Italy and From Germany into the mouth of Franco.