Hello again and welcome to the last chapter. Did you do your homework? Were you able to achieve the WOW factor with your character? If you spent all of your time trying to figure out how to give your character the WOW factor, I bet you had a really hard time finishing your character. If you let the story guide you to the WOW factor, I am sure you didn’t even have to try. It just came out, didn’t it. I hope you understand how powerful the WOW factor can be. I have a feeling that you might be thinking about this:

I know how you feel. We talked about a lot of things in this book. We talked about archetypes, story, shapes, silhouettes, colors, details, age groups, originality, references, and the WOW factor. What’s left to talk about in character design? There is a lot more that we could talk about on the subject of making a stronger character design, but I think that is for another book. What I want to talk about in this chapter is putting it all together.