Flash CS4 supports both vector and raster (bitmap) artwork. Each has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to game development. Vector graphics are resizable without any quality loss, they usually have a much smaller fi le size than raster graphics, and they can be manipulated over the timeline to create seamless (if rather time-consuming) animations on the level of professional cartoons. However, vectors can be notoriously heavy on the CPU in large numbers or when used in large objects. Vector artwork is usually best created directly inside of Flash, though it can be done in a tool like Adobe Illustrator. The upside of the fi rst option is that Flash will automatically optimize vectors as they are drawn to use the least number of points possible. In a program like Illustrator, where accuracy and pixel-perfect quality are valued over optimization, art tends to end up with bulkier vectors that must be cleaned up after they are imported into Flash. If you are working on a project with all vector artwork, fewer points translate to faster rendering and lower fi le size.