If it doesn’t, it’s almost impossible to get the correct shapes of the doors and windows later on. All the rest of the helicopter was really all about research and standard modeling.

Unwrapping Many people have asked me questions regarding my methods of unwrapping, and whether there’s a special tool I use. Well, everything was done in the 3ds Max unwrap editor, and about 95% of the UV coordinates were generated by planar mapping. I like it very much as, in my eyes, it gives me the most understandable control about how the UV chunks will look later. As you can see on the hull, the clean UVs were generated pretty simply, and if you line them up exactly it’s very comfortable to paint the textures later on. A high density checker map is also useful to see possible distortions and to check the alignment of the UV chunks. Sometimes the checker map may trick you when two of the darker squares meet each other at a seam, which looks like a wrong distortion, but isn’t (Fig.02)!