We are treating here of the meaning of the words dīn, milla, shir'a, minhāj, islam, hanīfīya, sunna and jamā 'a. These are modes of expression that are found in the Qur'ān; each by reason of etymology and usage has a specific meaning and signifies a certain reality. We have already explained the meaning of the word dīn, namely, that it is obedience and submission; as God says, 'Religion with God is Islām.'1 Sometimes it is used in the meaning of recompense. There is a saying, 'kamā tadīnu tudānu' which means 'As you do so shall you be recompensed.' It may also be used in the meaning of reckoning on the day of judgment. God says, 'That is the true religion.'2 Accordingly the mutadayyin is one who submits, who is obedient,and who believes in recompense and reckoning on the day of judgment. God says, 'I have chosen Islam for your religion.'3