Modeling software At the time of writing, January 2004, the leading computer-generated imagery (CGI) packages are Maya, 3DS Max and Lightwave 3D. I choose to illustrate the modeling process using my preferred software, Lightwave 3D. Lightwave 3D is a polygon modeler, unlike Softimage, which in the latest version has no polygon tools at all. In fact it ships with the old version in order to provide polygon modeling tools.The other reason for choosing Lightwave 3D is the excellent developer support that is available free via the mailing list. See the back of the book for useful sources of support.The final reason for choosing Lightwave 3D is the fact that the file formats for models and animation are public domain and the available documentation is both comprehensive and accurate. Some CGI software developers have in recent years kept their file formats under wraps unless you become part of a very expensive developer network.