T h e dir ty water o f W i l l i a m s t o w n Bay fell away, the streamers parted and sank i n the oi ly swell . T h i s was not jus t another t r ip d o w n the B a y from which we wou ld return in a few weeks, sunburnt and regretful o f the return to everyday life: this was going away for one or two years or forever - I d i d not know then. In a few hours the RMS Ormonde was through the r ip at the Heads , we dropped the pilot into his oared boat and turned towards Ade la ide as night fell. Here N a n c y de Crespigny jo ined the Ormonde and we went on through the Great Aus t r a l i an Bigh t to Fremant le - an enchant ing smal l port where I ta l ian fishermen chased after octopuses i n clear water.