Remove the shoes, stockings, shirt and any other garments, as the situation permits. Lay hold of the atarraya (throw-net), stride without hesitation into the surf, and keenly observe. Cast the net over the first suitable fish and draw in. Kill the fish by sharp pressure of the right thumbnail (thumbnails must be kept in condition for this) on the skull. Slit, clean, skin and fillet the fish. Returning to shore, lay the fillets on a driftwood log, as free of sand as possible, but with sufficient splinters to hold the fillets firmly. Chop the fillets into pieces about 1.5 cm QI2-3U inch) wide. Cut several limes and squeeze these out over the pieces of fish. (The purpose of the lime juice is to 'cook' the fish.) Eat before this has a chance to occur. The most suitable beverage is chicha (maize beer), partly fermented. This recipe is from the village of Matacaballo on the shore of the Sechura desert.