WHEN I began this story the tCftn HldhramJut was itself an anlorphotls conception, and the Govcrnlllcnts of its Sultans vague and undefined. Though there \vas a Government of Mukalla, it might have been difficult for anyone llsed to govcrnnlclHs in the ordinary sense, to rccognize it as one. FrotH the tinlc of thc signature of the Treaty of 1937 the ternl ll1cant the Qu'aiti Sultan as advised by his Resident Adviser, and gradually under His I-lighncss's leadership organized Governlnent departments grew up, with departl11clltal heads responsible for thenl. The Governlnent took a definite, though constantly developing, form on the 1st April, 1939, when its first budget catTIC into force.