Vocabulary is a major component of reading comprehension for all students. The more ELL students develop their vocabularies, the better able they are to make sense of what they read. Poor vocabulary is a detriment to students' academic success and poor academic vocabulary can be found in many ELLs (VandeWeghe, 2007). When reviewing the literature about effective vocabulary instructions, several components and recommendations emerge:

Teachers should create language-rich and word-rich environments.

Vocabulary can be developed through wide reading of a variety of texts.

In addition to promoting wide reading, teachers should intentionally teach selected vocabulary.

Vocabulary can be developed through direct methods such as pre-instruction of words required for a specific text.

Students need multiple exposures and multiple opportunities to learn vocabulary words in authentic contexts.

Students need to be actively engaged in word-learning tasks.

Students need to develop word-learning independence and this can be taught through explicit strategy instruction.