For wind of the testicles. Let the patient drink wolf's gall in wine. Or heat one drachm

each of cypress gum and "ox-tongue", and two rille each of wine and honey, and let him drink the mixture for three days. Or boil oil and gum, and rub the testicles with the mixture whilst the patient is asleep. Or pound dry grapes from which all the stones have been removed, and cummin, and cypress gum, and frankincense, one math/pi! and two drachms each, mix all together with sesame oil, and apply to

Fol. 2716. the testicles in the form I of a plaster. Or mix together bean flour, wax, roses, and salt, boil them, and apply the mixture to the testicles ; or the fat on the kidneys of a gazelle and unslaked lime.