Now, if thou wishest to know on what day of the Page 451 week the beginning of the lunar month is born, take the sign of the month, and add to the foundation in red one of the seven [numbers] which are written in the table before thee, and see how much they amount to. If their total be more than seven, cast out seven from them, and the number which remaineth in thy hand is the [number of the day] of the beginning of the solar month in the week. If seven remaineth in thy hand, that is the [day of] the beginning of the month. If one remaineth the month beginneth on the first day of the week; and if two, on the second day of the week; and if three, on the third day of the week; and if four, on the fourth day of the week; and if five, on the fifth day of the week; and if six, on the Eve of the Sabbath; and if seven, on the Sabbath.