They will have intercourse, and there will be peace between them. They will live in peace. They will have intercourse, and there will be war between them. They will have intercourse, and there will be hatred between them. They will not have intercourse, and if they do, they will be separated. They will have intercourse, and there will be peace between them. They will have intercourse, and there will be hatred between them. They will enjoy loving intercourse, and will live in peace. They will have intercourse for ever in peace. They will have intercourse, and be of one mind. They will have intercourse, and then will separate. They will have intercourse for ever with strife. They will have intercourse, and will live in love, and will cast aside contention. They will not have intercourse, and if they do a rumour will go forth concerning them, and they will sepC~-rate. They will have intercourse, and then will separate. They will not have intercourse, and if they do, they will separate. They will have intercourse. and will live in love. They will have intercourse, and a rumour will go forth concerning one of them, and they will separate. Like the preceding. They will have intercourse, and will live in love. They will have intercourse, and will live in strife. They will have intercourse, and will live in peace. They will have intercourse, and will rear I children. Page 521 They will not have intercourse, and if they do, they will hate each other.