How do we solve this conundrum? A concept that has gained ground in recent years is that of sustainable intensifi cation in

agriculture. As for other sectors of the economy, the chief action to take would be to assume environmental impact as an integral part of production processes in agriculture. The FAO has sought to summarise some of the practices of sustainable intensifi cation, which are none other than components of the broader concept of effi ciency, producing with the minimum use of resources. The practices identifi ed by the FAO include a more rational use of nutrients, water and energy, more attention to the conservation of water and soil resources, more use of biological resources in pest control (so-called integrated pest control is coming up with good results on this front), a revaluation of the capital stock of local knowledge with the rediscovery of often abandoned varieties, which may offer solutions for the livelihood of farmers in rural areas in less developed countries and constitute a new stimulus for research and genetic selection, besides having less environmental impact.