Except for Heads of Missions, who were conveyed by car, all passengers from Tokyo were taken to Yokohama by special train. The arrangements were made by the Japanese authorities with their usual precision but, in the case of those going by train, were marred by the foolish and irritating stipulation that passengers must carry their own hand-baggage. This order was given, not because there was any lack of porters ready to carry the baggage, but as a petty effort to humiliate officials of the United Nations in the eyes of Japanese spectators. For the older people, often laden with more baggage than they could reasonably be expected to carry, it meant a serious physical effort in the midsummer heat. It is unfortunate that the Japanese police, who were said to have been solely responsible for this order, should have thought it necessary to give this parting demonstration of bad manners in a nation which had formerly prided itself on its courtcsy.