Although a unity of the hearts of the people is good, as far as it goes, it is necessary first to see that those hearts are properly cultivated. Should the aspirations of the people degenerate this very unity may become the source of national downfall. Such has frequently been the case in the course of human history. The true aspiration is fixed on loyalty and stimulates the individual

to sacrifice life itself in the service of Emperor and Empire, should the occasion arise. The true heart is manifest in perfect filial piety, in unblemished friendship, in connubial bliss, and mutual faith. Such aspirations must not only govern the lives of subjects but must unite in furthering the Imperial policies which have regard to the opening of the country to the reception of foreign civilisation. Such united aspirations must also be the basis of ethical training, and progress. Necessary as it is to plan for daily progress there must be unity in maintaining and perpetuating the glories of the past. It is the chief duty of each subject to attain such unity of aspiration. A true and weIIordered life is founded upon such aspirations. Thus the spiritual unity of the subjects of this Empire is based upon a firm and unconquerable faith, which we make our standard and objective. No matter how closely you may analyse the lives of the subjects of this Empire no exception is to be found. What cause for rejoicing there is in this thought!