To the north of this pyramid the extensive, but entirely plundered, Nubian cemeteries of Genemieh are to be found; and some miles farther to the south lies the ransacked cemetery of

EI EI Hasiyeh, at the south side of a wide desert bay. The tombs Hasiyeh. here are of late dynastic and Ptolemaic times, and are mainly cut

into the sandstone which underlies the sand at this point. Generally a short open stairway descends in a wedge form to a depth of about six feet, and at the bottom a low doorway leads into a rectangular chamber. In the hillside there are a series of rocktombs, each consisting of two or three chambers, the doorways being ornamented with much damaged inscriptions written in badly formed hieroglyphs, and containing a number of faults in orthography. These tombs are partly choked with debris, and

FROM EDFU TO SILSILEH 349 are inhabited by hundreds of bats, while not a few snakes are to be found.