Second Cataracts in the VIth dynasty is to be divided amongst these tribes in the following manner. The rugged country between the First Cataract and the Bab el Kalabsheh or thereabouts belonged to the tribes of Kaw. At this time there was a cataract rushing down the Bab, and a natural frontier would thus be formed. Between this and Koshtamneh lived the Sethu. Just south of Koshtamneh the country on the west bank completely changes in aspect, the sandy desert taking the place of the shelving rocks. Along this bank, as far south perhaps as Derr, lived the Mazoi; while on the east bank opposite them, and in the rocky valleys running back towards the eastern desert, lived the people of Wawat. At about Tomas on the west bank and Ibrim on the east began the territory of Arthet. Probably there were rapids at this point, and thus there was a natural frontier as before. Arthet extended southwards to just above Abu Simbel, where again there were probably rapids. Above Abu Simbel the aspect of the country entirely changes once more, and becomes more open and sandy; and here one may place the people of Aam, whose southern frontier was perhaps the Second Cataract. Each of these tribes thus occupied an area quite as large as most of the nomes or provinces of Egypt, and there is, therefore, no need to consider them as extending beyond the Second Cataract, and the above arrangement cannot be said to cramp them into an unnaturally small space.