VISITORS to Luxor wiII do well to pay at least two or three visits to the great temples of Karnak, and it wiII be as weIl

not to attempt to see all the ruins at one time. The temple of Khonsu (p. 88), the great temple of Amen-Ra (p. 92), and the northern and eastern buildings may be visited in one morning. The southern ruins (p. 108) should be reserved for an afternoon visit. A view of the temples at sunset and by moonlight should be obtained if possible. A drive or donkey-ride ofiess than half-anhour takes one from Luxor to Karnak. The word Karnak means in Arabic "a window," and seems to have been applied to the temples and to the surrounding village from the fact that the great windows of the Hypostyle Hall were a conspicuous feature of the ruins.