As has been pointed out in the foregoing chapter, the real greatness of 1'hebes-not inaptly called by Professor Breasted the world's first monumental city - on]y dates from the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty, when A~mose, after driving the Hyksos out of Egypt, made that city the administrative as well as the religious centre of the reconstructed kingdom. But from his time onwards every Pharaoh of the Imperial Age added to its splendours, building a new temple, or adding to or reconstructing one that already existed, setting up a towered gateway here, or splendid statues, or obelisks, there. 'fhe great temple of A mun at Karnak alone has ten such gateways, not including those of the smaller temples grouped around it. Thebes, therefore, well deserved the epithet .. hundred-gated" assigned it by the poet Homer.