The territories known collectively as Indo-China form part of the French empire and comprise the colony of Cochin-China, the protectorates of Annam, Tonkin, Cambodia and Laos and the leased territory of Kwang Chow Wan*. They cover some 740,000 sq. km. or 286,000 sq. miles, that is, more than one-third larger than France and over three times the size of Great Britain. The country lies between the parallels 8° 30' and 23° 20' N and the meridians 109° 30' and 100° 10' E. It is about 1,600 km. in length from north to south and varies from 200 to 800 km. in width from east to west. It is bounded by China on the north and by Siam and Burma on the west, while its shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin, the South China Sea and the Gulf of Siam (Fig. I).