NOT knowing how to fatte:n the: cattk, nul' utilil.e \V'I'II, nor milk the cows, for he Je:tcS[S milk and butte:r ;l~ Illuch as the hates work - not knowing how to produce enough wheat to bother about eating it, nor grow mulhe:rr\' tre:cs tor the cultivation of the silk-worm - since he has lost the: ,m of carpentry, once flourishing in the island and nll\\ COI11pletely forgotten - seeing that he has no horses, hecllhL' Spain in maternal fashion reyuisitions all the foals ill ,\bjorca for use in her army, for which reason the islande:rs dOll't care to appear so silly as to work just to mainLlin the roUIltry's cavalry - and as he does not consider it neceSS,UT t,l have a single highway nor a practicable track in the \l'h"le: of the island, as long as the right to export is surrendered t" the whim of a government that has no time: to attelld to sllch trifles - the Majorcan then was vegetating, without an\'- thing else to do other than tell his be,lds ,111d mend his breeches, more worn out than Don Quixote:\, his p;ltnlll saint in misery and arrogance, until the pig came ailIng tll save everything, \X'hen the export of this animal \\';h S;ll1Ctioned, a new era began, the era of salvation.