Paul Selver identifies the reviewer as Adrian Collins in Orage and the 'New Age' Circle (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1959), p. 40. He describes Collins as 'almost everything that Pound never has been: a scholar (an Oxford double first), a linguist (he translated a volume of Nietzsche . . .) and unpretentious in the extreme. ... In addition to his other qualities Collins is good natured and tolerant. So instead of holding Ezra up to ridicule, as I would have been tempted to do, he let him down lightly. He dotted the i's and crossed the t's, but he made this operation painless by the adroit use of gentle persiflage as a local anaesthetic. The result was that Ezra, far from taking offence, invited him to dinner. Collins accepted the invitation and they got on extremely well together. Pound's reply, in the New Age of 4 December 1919, is the following number.