The Dynasty of H eraclius 10& invading the Empire. The Persians seized the Roman frontier fortress of Dara, 606, raided Mesopotamia and Syria, crossed Asia Minor and appeared for a time beforeChalcedon, 60S. Next year, Cccsarea in Cappadocia opened its gates. Such was their progress before the death of Phocas. After the accession of Herac1ius, their attacks became much more serious. In 612 they entered Syria; and Antioch, Apamea and Emesa, with other important cities, fell one after another into their hands. Shahrbaraz conquered Syria in 613 and took Damascus. In 614, Palestine: where he took Jerusalem, and carried off the True Cross to Ctesiphon. In 616, Egypt. Meanwhile, Shahen overran Asia, 615, as far as Chalcedon: and, to cover his communications, fortified Ancyra, 619. As if these disasters were not enough, the A vars appeared before Constantinople from N. and W.; the Lombards made further conquests in Italy; and, between 621-31~ the Empire lost its last foothold in Spain.