At Mogur, another village situated a short distance from the former (Nanjangud), there is a small temple dedicated to Tipamma, a female divinity, in whose honour a great festival is celebrated every year. The goddeBS, placed in a beautifully ornamented palanquin, is carried in procession through the streets. In front of her there is another divinity, a male. These two idols, which are entirely nude, are placed in immodest postures, and by help of a piece of mechanism a disgusting movement is imparted to them as long as the procession continues. This disgusting spectacle, which is worthy of the depraved persons who look upon it, excites transports of mirth, manifested by Rhouts and bursts of laughter. Nor is this all. A Pariah, who has made a special study of all the obscene and filthy expressions to be found in the Hindu language, is chosen; t.he goddess Tipamma is then evoked and takes up her abode in his person. Then anyone who wishes to hear foul expressions stands before t,he man, and he is certain to be satisfied. AI'! it is supposed to be Tipamma who Rpeaks through the mouth of the Pariah, the devotees, far from being offended with him, are quite pleased with the

5!1fi LIBER.TINM}E IN TEMPLE~ goddess for having deigned to overwhelm them with insults. Even high-caAte Hindus are to be Aeell at thiA festival seeking to obtain the coveted honour.