Meanwhile the exploits of the sovereign everywhere brought him fame and renown. Especially was this so amongst those who professed Christianity, since the principal warfares in which Charlemagne engaged were waged against the upholders of paganism. Thus he destroyed the Irminsul, razed heathen temples and groves, and abolished the forms of worship sacred to Odin which were practised by the Druids. Besides all this he undertook, at the request of the Pope, to wage war against the Lombards. In this he was at last successful, and so returned home with all the glory of having won a victory for the head of the Romish Church. The conquest was followed up by another successful exploit, this time directed against the Saracens, who had overrun Spain. By this means Charlemagne naturally came to be regarded as the champion of the Christian Church, and as such his name has been handed down in the chronicles of his day.