1. Analysis is complete, the potential ingredients have been segregated, measured and classified; we may say the materials are at hand out of which (ἐξ ἰ̑ν) mind, like an artisan (δημιουργόζ), is to create the mixture (59E). It is time to turn, therefore, to the final act of the art of happiness, the creation of the good life for man. We learn now how the principles of combination apply, in one important case, to the ordering of a mixture; we see how the fruits of division can be employed by the mind when it is guided by the right purpose. That part of the art which separates “like from like” has done its job; now we must separate “good from bad.” And having selected the appropriate elements, we must assign them their relative functions and blend them together skillfully, forming the harmonious whole. The mind whose functions have been so carefully discriminated must now act as cause to fashion the very mixture of which it is a part. When the mixture has been synthesized, the art of happiness will have completed its task.