DURING the past few years we have noted the large bags of wild duck which may be obtained by careful rearing and good management. Although the number of wild fowl can hardly be said to have decreased, yet there is little doubt that in some marshes where, many years ago, large flocks of wild duck used to collect, there is now scarcely one to be seen . The reasons for this are numerous. The most important probably is that, as our population increases, wealthy sportsmen and landowners are tempted to seek seclusion, and build their mansions in far-away spots which have always been the haunt of the wild duck. These birds, being of a shy disposition, seek other pastures. The only way to lure them back is to breed and rear by hand others which will act as decoys to their more nomadic brethren. At Netherby and other places, enormous bags have been realised, the size of which would hardly have been credited ten or twelve years ago. Moreover, the trouble taken is well repaid by the excellent sport which these birds afford; and

the difficulty involved in killing a really high duck is sufficient to satisfy even the most exacting sportsman.