Master and Servant.-Fortunately the relations existing between gamekeepers and their employers are very often so satisfactory, and even so cordial, that questions as to the legal rights of parties rarely have to be discussed. It is always well, however, to know the nature of one's legal rights : they form part of the general law of master and servant which may be found explained in many large volumes. Only a very short statement can be given here. As to the contract of service, this will follow any conditions upon which both parties agree, as to length of service, wages, notice, etc. If no mention is made of the duration of employment, this is presumed in Scotland to be by the year, and whether by. the year or half-year, forty days' clear notice must be given before the end of the time, in order to end the contract. In England, disputes on such subjects are usually settled by a jury, and the results of this are so uncertain that no rule can be exactly stated. It has, however, been decided that a head-gardener falls into the large class of employees who

are engaged on the common terms of a month's notice or a month's wages. A keeper's employment may be presumed to be on the same terms in England and Ireland, unless a different bargain is made.