This chapter will focus on the mode of abrogation whereby some Qur'anic verses do not exist in the muṣḥaf and their rulings have also been suppressed. I will cover two passages in detail and mention a number of others whose wordings are at times specified and at others not. But actually only the passage of Bi'r Maʿūna, in some of its Ḥadīth versions, and the ten-suckling passage are said to have been abrogated. None of the other passages are described as having been abrogated by the ḥadīths that mention them! This confirms my conclusion that such ḥadīths and the theories of abrogation developed separately before they were brought together by scholars. I have collected these ḥadīths here because of two good reasons. First, they are often quoted by scholars in the context of discussing the mode of abrogation of both the text and its ruling.