The ringing of furin or wind-bells makes us feel cool and refreshed, not only because of the breeze that makes it ring, but also due to its clear, penetrating tone. Bells play various roles in the country; there are numerous varieties, ranging from tiny ones as small as peas to huge temple bells. Bizen ware is so hard that often chains of rings of clay are made which are so strong that they are used in hanging up heavy flower vases. The Japanese make very good charcoal of many kinds, each suitable for a particular use. The Japanese use chawan or porcelain bowls tor rice and owan or lacquered wooden bowls for soup. Happi or coolies' coat first made its appearance in the Tokugawa Period, when the use of family crests on household utensils and clothing became popular. Kappogi is a white gown-like apparel with baggy sleeves drawn tight just below the elbow.