This chapter focuses on the observations from the literature of professional ethics and Jungian psychology into the field of public relation (PR) in order to make some key points that offer a new direction for PR ethics. The applicability of Jungs approach is further evidenced by the intensity with which the critics pick up the rejected, shadow material and fling it back at PR. This is also characteristic of shadow dynamics the emphasis on the otherness of the other precludes connection, shared ownership or recognition of the self in the other: Intense collective emotion is the hallmark of an activated cultural complex at the core of which is an archetypal pattern Like individual complexes, cultural complexes tend to be repetitive, autonomous, resist consciousness, and collect experience. Ketolas use of Jungian theory to illuminate shadow dynamics in corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility (CR), a field closely aligned with and often under the remit of PR.