Mrs Joyner was the founder of the Little Citizens League and she gave us all a card with a message on it, and also a silver gum leaf. Then she told us she was going to get a friend of a similar age from Bon Marche [a large department store] where her husband was the manager. Quite a lot of girls came from Bon Marche, and she tried to get us a friend with the same name. My name was Queenie so it was a pretty hard job, and I ended up with my friend Myrtle ... we had to promise to write to one another for birthdays and Christmas. I kept that friend until she died in 1980. 28

Table 4.2 Fairbridge children: ages on arrivall925-30 Age 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Total (%) 6-7 2 3 0.8 8-9 l 2 23 7 6 40 11.0 10-ll 4 6 10 97 30 14 161 42.0 12-13 6 6 87 21 13 135 35.0 14-2 24 10 8 43 11.2 Total ll 14 14 233 69 41 382 100.0 Source: Extant files of sailing parties, FSR, BL. Note: A small number of files have not survived.