I . ALL IS ACTION From the moment the 'Unborn' is born onto the field of manifestation, until this 'unrolling of the worlds', as it is called in the Pali Canon, becomes 'the rolling up of the worlds', ALL is ACTION. Nothing is save a ceaseless process of 'coming to be, coming to be' followed by 'ceasing to be, ceasing to be'. Life is motion and all is alive. Forms are born, grow, grow old and wear out-Life goes on, Life, the creative/ destructive Force of manifestation whether known as BuddhaMind, the Dharma-kaya or Almighty God. Nirvana is awareness of the Void of separate forms; Samsara is the changing world of forms. Each is a mode of the other; 'Form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form', says the Heart Sutra. Wisdom is action. As Dr Suzuki wrote, 'Prajna (Wisdom) is activity itself'. Thus although Samsara is one vast bubble of maya, illusion, we live and grow and attain enlightenment within this illusion, suffering its inevitable tension of duality and involved in its unceasing action, whether its form be action, re-action or no action.