EXERCISE 12 (§§9-10). If possible, rewrite the sentences using the ᡞ bF con struction. (Note that some of them cannot be changed to the bF construction.)

ԴҞ໽ϔᅮᕫخᅠ 1 ៥पњ៥ⱘᮻ䔺DŽ



2 䖭Ͼ㒗дˈ DŽ 3 䖭ӊџˈԴਞ䆝䇕њ˛ 4 ៥㾝ᕫ䙷Ͼᬙџ᳝䍷ᵕњDŽ 5 ˈདϡད˛ 6 DŽ 7 བᵰ᳝䯂乬ˈ DŽ

8 Դⱘࡳ䇒ˈԴᯢ໽Ѹ㒭㗕Ꮬ৻DŽ 9 Ҫএᑈ໻ᄺ↩ϮњDŽ 10 Ϟ䇒ⱘヨ䆄ˈ៥୰⃶䆄೼кϞDŽ 11 ᠔᳝ⱘᮄᕅ⹳ˈ DŽ 12 ଚᑫ䗕ᴹњ㗕Ҏфⱘϰ㽓DŽ

EXERCISE 13. Translate into Chinese, using the ᡞ bF construction.