EXERCISE 4. Finish each sentence, using the Chinese terms equivalent to the



location phrases in parentheses.

1 ________ DŽ (on top of the hill) 2 ________ ࠄ໘ᰃ㢅㤝DŽ (inside the park) 3 ________ ⱘԡᄤぎⴔDŽ (to my left) 4 ________ ᰃݰ⬄DŽ (next to the highway) 5 ________ DŽ (outside the library) 6 ᷵ऎህ೼ ________DŽ (near the lake) 7 ҪӀ೼ ________ 㺙䔺DŽ (behind the restaurant) 8 ᄭᄤത೼ ________DŽ (between grandpa and grandma)

Mandarin does not have words that correspond to the English articles ‘the’ and ‘a(n).’ 37a-e are a few possible combinations of Mandarin noun phrases that coincide with the ideas of ‘the’ (definite reference) and ‘a(n)’ (indefinite reference). Let us take the noun к shE ‘book’ as an example, and list these combined noun phrases in 37a-e.