He had followed the beautiful Miss Lucy and her savage maidservant after they left the circus, resolved to keep close at her heels if she wandered about for a month. The young lady had mingled with the crowd returning to Elbury, but he never missed her once. He saw her moving down the dark lane that leads to the marketplace ; watched her raise her dress, and pick her way on tip-toes through the mud, and presently beheld her ring the ostler's-bell at the Royal Greorge, the very hotel at which he was staying. Once he thought she was gazing about, as if to see if he had pursued her. He hid himself under a doorway, and presently from the stableyard issued a jolting chaise, drawn by a grey ball of a pony that appeared as broad as it was long. Both the female forms took their places, and the animal did its best to trot off. For that night Phil thought it better to give up the chase and go to bed.