He might just as well have given up his rooms in Harley-street for the use he made of them. From one week's end to another he never showed his face there ; in fact, more than once, Mrs. Bullanty (he owed her, as she said, " a pretty penny") became seriously alarmed at the prolonged absence of her first-floor lodger, and had even gone to the extreme length of using her duplicate keys, to see if the effects in the locked-up drawers were equal to the value of her debt. The vast amount of time left on Mr. Teddy Cutler's hands, enabled him to add to his varied accomplishments by learning several new songs from "The Little " W a r b l e r . " H e could also make his appointments for the evening with greater certainty of not breaking them. Had he dared to grow a moustache, his worldly happiness would have been complete.