Cognitive scientists are proving Stanislavsky’s prescience. When he insists that actors create “lmstrips” of mental images through sensorybased visualizations (1989, 130), he anticipates

Active Analysis (Deistvennyi analiz) is a ƒexible rehearsal technique that melds intellectual processes of analysis with embodied, hence active, analysis of performance texts. e ensemble works collectively through a series of études (improvisations), like dras, with each successive étude coming progressively closer to the desired performance. Études are planned, using a systematic approach to storytelling that envisions performance as a chain of events, each of which occurs when an impelling action encounters a counteraction that alters its trajectory and causes the performers’ circumstances to change, inducing the need for a new action. is map of action-counteraction-event focuses the ensemble’s work and demands that individual actors choose and perform specic active verbs to pursue their actions and counteractions. Études are performed silently or verbally-using the actors’ or author’s words, or paraphrases of wrien texts (Carnicke 2009, 194-206, 212).