Horace Mann Bond was born in Nashville, Tennessee. He was graduated from Lincoln University and received the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. All of his professional life has been spent in Negro universities: Lanston University, Alabama State College, Fisk University, Dillard University, Fort Valley State College, Lincoln University, and Atlanta University. His interest in Africa was most clearly manifest from 1945 to 1957 during his years as president of Lincoln University where he was in a position to know and help many African students who attended that university. Dr. Bond was the first president of the American Society of African Culture. He has been invited to Africa many times as the guest of outstanding African leaders, and he was a member of the special education committee of the University of Ghana which met in December, 1960. He is the author of The Education of the Negro in the American Social Order, Education in Alabama: A Study in Cotton and Steel, and Education for Production. This selection, “The Ram and the Thicket,” was an address delivered by Dr. Bond at the Third Conference of the American Society of African Culture.